The State of Government in Texas…

While most of the Republican Governors rail against the stimulus, not many are willing to turn down their state’s share of the money in these tough times. Then we have Gov. Perry, the hand chosen replacement for George W. Bush…

Gov. Rick Perry said Tuesday he’s not sure the state should accept all of its projected share of federal stimulus money — $16.9 billion and counting by preliminary estimates — because of the “mile-long” strings that might be attached.

“In Texas, we actually know it is a good idea to look a gift horse in the mouth. If we don’t, we may end up with an old nag,” said Perry, who has been critical of such federal spending and voiced concern over whether the state could afford federal strings.(1)

The strings attached might mean that the children in Texas get their fair share of CHIPS money. Or maybe, Texas will have to actually educate it’s children.

Texas has a long history (well at least through the last two occupants of the Governor’s Mansion) of leaving federal money on the table. Even as we were ranked in the bottom quintile of most of the quality of living statistics.

Texas politicians leave us Texans living in interesting times…Even before the economic Meltdown.

We need the freedom to pick and choose,” Perry told a group of small-business leaders in Austin. “We need the freedom to say, ‘no thanks’ if they’re trying to stick a bill on the people of the State of Texas just to expand government.(2)

Of course, Governor Perry isn’t alone in his disdain…

To be sure, not every Republican governor is on board with the stimulus. The Republican Governors Association “does not take an official position,” according to the group’s communications director Mike Schrimpf. But there are various members of the organization, he said, who have been critical of the recovery package. Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi called large portions of the stimulus “just crazy.”

And Mark Sanford, governor of South Carolina, penned an op-ed Friday on the conservative site Human Events, questioning the efficacy of a “stimulus package approach[ing] $1 trillion… [H]ow will spending even more help?”

So the question now is, will these southern Governors turn down federal money in a declining economy? Time will tell…And elections will be the answer.

(1) via Gov. Perry says Texas may decline stimulus’ billions | Houston & Texas News | – Houston Chronicle.

(2) via Perry draws line between good stimulus, bad stimulus | Postcards.

(3) via Obama Wins Stimulus Support From Republican Governors.

Gary Boyd