David Brooks spends a good deal of time laying the grounds for a non-blame blame for this economic meltdown. While saying, “Banks got too big to manage. Instruments got too complex to understand.
Too many people were good at math but ignorant of history.” He still maintains that it wasn’t the greed of the players but their arrogance. Forgive me if I still see greed as the driving force in all that has gone wrong with this country in the past few decades…
I will say that he did string two sentences (taken out of context) together that say more than he intended…
The greed narrative leads to the conclusion that government should aggressively restructure the financial sector. The stupidity narrative is suspicious of that sort of radicalism.
As Forest Gump might have said “Stupid is as stupid does”. Just because the stupid are suspicious almost makes me think we are on the right track…How about you?