Hill Country blogger found key to charity | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com – Houston Chronicle

Jenny Lawson "The Bloggess" at BlogW...
Jenny Lawson “The Bloggess” at BlogWorld NYC (Photo credit: BlogWorld & TBEX events)

Just the story to inspire another blogger…

While most nonprofits struggle to get Christmastime donations back to pre-recession levels, one Texas woman raised $39,000 for needy families in a mere few days.

Jenny Lawson, a 36-year-old former Houstonian who now lives in the Hill Country, doesn’t have a huge organization, a banner cause, a catchy slogan or flashy campaign. She has something much more compelling than any of those things: a blog.

via Hill Country blogger found key to charity | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com – Houston Chronicle.