I posted these thoughts on my blog this morning…
My feelings about what’s happening are pretty simple… Most of the people protesting are peaceful folks trying to voice thier disgust about the same old thing that never seems to change. Ingrained power doesn’t like change. But the darker souls amongst us are always looking for an excuse, any excuse to run wild… break things, burn, smash, destroy. And this moment right now is perfect for those darker souls. They can mask their identity and still blend in. Hide in plain sight amongst those practicing social distancing.
Most of these dark souls couldn’t care less about George Floyd. This is just their excuse to break free from social norms. Their excuse to play Grand Theft Auto in real life… and mostly get away with it hiding on the crowd.
I am going to borrow a phrase I saw on yard signs everywhere back goring the last administration… Pray for America. While I thought the timing of those signs emblematic of what’s happening now, I think now is the perfect time for that sentiment.
Monday, June 1, 2020, CoffeeMusese.com