This past week my wife expressed a desire to visit the cemeteries where ancestors are resting up around Milam County in central Texas. Since the weekend was one of the few our daughter was off (thus no need for babysitter Paw-paw), I suggested we enjoy the the last of the…
Sad news for the Genealogy researcher in Houston... 05 April 2010 To Members of the Genealogical Community: On Thursday, April 1st, 2010, Dr. Rhea Lawson, Director, Houston Public Library, presented a report to the City Council concerning a required reduction of operating hours in all Houston libraries including special collections…
Over the years it has always amazed me how deeply folks buy into their own data. Even me. As we do our research we become convinced of our conclusions...Sometimes even as new information becomes available. My take has always been that genealogy is always at best an inexact science...If you…
It's a short little book...Takes maybe an hour to read but it could change your life. Being the chief cook and bottle washer for a bunch of independent cusses, I can't implement all of the rules...But...I'll be sneaking them in one at a time till the majority have become habits...…
This is getting to be a familiar scenario: The Texas Board of Education, preparing to adopt new curriculum standards, makes our schoolchildren's textbooks a matter of highly partisan wrangling. When the board met last week to discuss what to teach Texas's; public school students in history, geography, government and economics,…
Keith Olberman has his say on the Supreme Court ruling... Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The Transcript... Olbermann: U.S. government for sale With no limits on campaign financing, corporations will take over the government SPECIAL COMMENT By Keith Olbermann Anchor, 'Countdown' updated 8:29…
A divided Supreme Court on Thursday swept aside decades of legislative restrictions on the role of corporations in political campaigns, ruling that companies can dip into their treasuries to spend as much as they want to support or oppose individual candidates. (via Supreme Court rejects limits on corporate spending on…
Today I found myself re-reading the latest ebook from Seth Godin (A Weekday Routine Is Always Disrupted By A Weekend… | Coffee Muses) and ended up following the link to Hugh Macleod's where I stumbled over this gem...A list of 6 ways to execute "Evil Plans" within a large…