Back in November of 2006 I was playing around at and came up with a title/job title I really liked… Coordinator of Synchronicity… I liked so much I set up a blog and posted some things there. Funny thing, I was cleaning out some old bookmarks in my browser and the link still opened the blog. So I think I’ll move them here and repost them… with links if they are still available.
Oh, and I also added the domain name to my collection… Just what you get the man who really has way too many non-moneymaking domains… Another domain.
What is a Coordinator of Synchronicity
co·or·di·na·tor – kōˈôrdənādər – noun; Coordinator
1.a person whose job is to organize events or activities and to negotiate with others in order to ensure they work together effectively.”a full-time coordinator was appointed to oversee the referral process”
syn·chro·nic·i·ty – siNGkrəˈnisədē – noun: Synchronicity
- 1.the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”such synchronicity is quite staggering”
- 2.another term for synchrony (sense 1).
Origin1950s: coined (in sense 1) by C. G. Jung.
So my take on this as a job title was basically trying to connect the unconnectable. Or you could say it’s someone who doesn’t find herding a hundred cats to be a challenge.
Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität) is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.[3]
Synchronicity – Wikipedia
As I put it on the Blogger blog…