The Soundtrack of My Dream World

Many years ago, on a working trip to Las Vegas, I found myself with a day off and a rental car. So I drove myself to the Grand Canyon. It was late January and cold and rainy on the road. When I finally arrived, paid the entrance fee and drove to the overlook... I saw nothing but the top of…

Truth to … For the last three and a half years I find myself returning to this scene of "The Newsroom" over and over again... musing over the difference between the sentiment embedded in the ideas expressed and the Trumpian call to "Make America Great Again".

National Prairie Day

The first Saturday in June each year is National Prairie Day... The Nash Prairie Preserve The prairie closest to my home, and the one I visit most often is The Nature Conservancy's Nash Prairie Preserve. The following slideshow is filled with shots I have taken over the years since I first heard of the fight to conserve it. Other's Celebrating…

Republicans Against Trump

Today, we find ourselves divided again – sectionalism in the country and factionalism in government has led to ever uglier examples of how our political system is failing. President Donald Trump and those who sign onto Trumpism are a clear and present danger to the Constitution and our Republic.