Clearing the Mind for Creativity

Clearing the Mind for Creativity “In the beginner’s mind,” the Zen master Shunryu Suzuki once wrote, “there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are only a few.” The implication for Suzuki was that all that is new originates from a mind free of preconceptions. Here, in this brief eBook, former Harvard Business School professor and movie producer John…

Missing Miss Molly

If ever a time in the political life of this country needed a dose of Molly Ivins, this is it...Can't you just imagine what she could have done with this years Republican race? Two dubious Texans and Newt running for President...What a joke! Paul Krugman is missing her too...Here is what he linked to from his blog at the Times:…

SEO Made Simple (Second Edition): Strategies For Dominating The World’s Largest Search Engine

SEO Made Simple (Second Edition): Strategies For Dominating The World's Largest Search Engine Today's leading SEO Book, SEO Made Simple: Search Engine Optimization Strategies for Dominating Google, Google Penguin and Google Panda, is a tell-all search engine optimization guide for anyone trying to reach the highly coveted #1 ranking on Google for their website or blog (2nd edition). Updated and…

Books are dead (long live books) – Seth Godin

I first started reading what Seth Godin had to say about things almost 20 years ago. I even had one of those crazy Purple Cow Milk Cartons on the top of my credenza for years. I have been following his new project since he first announced it online. So, long story short, I trust a lot of what the man…