Wandering Thru Memories Long Past

I've been updating the old posts on my blog, CoffeeMuses.com. I installed a editorial calendar plugin today and it shows a ton of my posts as unscheduled drafts though in reality they are published posts. So I've been working my way through them updating broken links, bringing the formatting into the modern world, and just getting rid of old code…

A Word From Garrison…

It’s a dangerous time, when families gather for Thanksgiving and pass the deadly virus from the young to the elderly and kill them off. This will be very hard on the Republican Party. Gamma and Gampy in South Dakota think the communistic Bidenists are the threat but actually it’s Oliver and Olivia home from the U. The kids see COVID…

The Hero’s Journal

Sometimes Those Ads on Facebook Lead to Amazing Finds... Do you ever click on the ads Facebook keeps serving up in your timeline? It's not a really smart thing to do, because ut then opens you up to seeing that add over and over again until you finally tell Facebook to hide it. But there are certain products that just…