Wake Me Up When September Ends

I was listening to my Amazon Music today and liked this one. Enjoy…

Well, we made it. August has ended. You may recall at the outset of this month I wrote that August was a month to survive in Houston: “If you’re in Houston in August and the high temperature is not in the upper 90s or higher, the streets aren’t flooding, and you’re not concerned about an impending hurricane—it’s a win.” Alas we didn’t do much winning in August. The daily high temperature was 98 degrees or higher on 15 days last month, and we spent about 10 days worrying about an impending hurricane. So August was August, and now, at least, it’s over.

We’ve survived August—if only barely

Personally, I equate at least the first half of September with whole of August. Occasionally September will tease us here in SE Texas with a hint of a cool front only to jerk it back north before it passes thru… So yeah, wake me up when September ends…