Karma can be a real b***h…

I am sitting here watching another segment of the ongoing court packing process. Kamala Harris is questioning Judge Barrett, Judge Barrett is dodging most questions.

What I am really doing is thinking about my experience voting today. It took much longer than it should have because I requested and recieved a mail-in ballot early in the year. After hearing the President***, AG Barr, and the idiot running the Postal Service talk about how the were going to treat mail-in ballots I made the decision not to use it. Boy did I make a mistake when I requested that ballot.

At least, if all polling places are like mine, the President’s call for people to vote by mail and then go vote in person won’t get too far. At best people trying this will only cast a provisional. Though in order to cast my vote I was required to go home and retrieve my mail-in ballot to turn in… Which I did.

Anecdotally, I heard several people with me going through the process talk about shredding or throwing away their ballots because they wanted nothing to do with voter fraud… So all of the President’s*** fears about mail-in ballots being prone to voter fraud just caused at least 5 elderly voters to be forced to cast a provisional ballot that may or may not be counted…

Mr. President***, Karma is a real bitch! Scaring your voters about the way they’ve voted for years probably just cost you some more votes you couldn’t really afford to lose.